
The Department of Coaching Education was founded in 2013 as part of the School of Physical Education and Sports. The program is credit-based and meets requirements set by the Bologna Process. Students must complete 240 European Credit Transfer System credits (155 credit hours), of which 120 cover theory, and 111 cover practice. Students earn 26-28 academic hours per week. The program covers five basic disciplines: humanities and economics; mathematics and science; general professional training; specialized disciplines; and disciplines related to specializiations. 

The program was designed to meet educational requirements in Turkey and Kyrgyzstan for this type of program. 

The purpose of "Sports Coach" undergraduate program is to train a coach who specializes in team or individual sports, who uses ethical principles, communication skills, tolerance and cultural values, observes the principles of health protection and safety of athletes, uses interdisciplinary communication, global scientific and technological developments in the relevant industry to achieve high results, aware of methods of selection and orientation of talented athletes, testing their results; masters foreign languages.


The main goal of the Department of Coaching Education is to prepare trainers and coaches who are able to lead trainings and classes based on science and professional experience, for any age group or experience level. Students should also have the skills and experience necessary to make the competitive both at the international and national levels, which includes knowledge of a foreign language. 

Opportunities for Students

In order to help students improve their skills and gain experience, the Department of Coaching Education regularly hosts competitions at the university and beyond, in which students participate in their free time. Students are also required to spend 6-8 hours a week training in their chosen sport, and they can also work as coaches. 

The Department of Coaching Education also manages the Manas Ski Club and the Sports, Fitness and Lifestyle Center at the university. This gives students the opportunity to work as academic and administrative personnel during their education, and also to learn how to ski.